Speak for Yourself (SfY) is an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) application that was created by speech-language pathologists. This AAC app turns the iPad into a communication device. It gives a voice to adults and children who are not able to speak or are limited in their ability to express themselves verbally.

Speak for Yourself is being used by thousands of individuals around the world with autism, cerebral palsy, apraxia, and genetic syndromes. Additionally, it is also being used in preschool classrooms to promote word-finding, visual language support, and verbal speech development.

If you know someone who has complex communication needs (CCN), this AAC app bridges the gap between current communication abilities and all that the individual wants to say. Using AAC does not interfere with the development of verbal speech…in fact, it promotes it! Many parents say that using a device to provide communication is the single best thing they did for their child’s verbal speech!
Ready to give it a try?
We offer codes at no cost to speech-language pathologists (SLP) and AAC evaluators so that clients can try it! If you’re a SLP or AAC Evaluator and you’d like to explore the SfY app, please email us at info@speakforyourself.org.

Take the first step today and learn more about SfY and AAC. Provide access to language and communication today so that the people in your life with CCN have a voice. Give them the basic human right to speak for themselves.
Here’s how you can start:
Find out more about the evidence-based research behind Speak for Yourself and the features that make it a favorite among speech-language pathologists, parents, AAC users, and teachers!
Join the Speak for Yourself Users Group on Facebook to ask questions and interact with parents and professionals who have experience with the SfY AAC app!
Take a look at SfY in action: Small Talk with AAC