Speak for Yourself AAC Language App Tutorials and Support Materials
Speak for Yourself Overview Video: Take a half hour tour through the Speak for Yourself AAC app. Perfect if you just purchased the app and want someone to walk you through it or if you’re considering Speak for Yourself and want to take a closer look!
Video Tutorials
SFY Basic Features
How to Edit or Add word
Changing Voices
Locking Edit Function
Speak for Yourself How to Search for Words
Advanced Features
Speak for Yourself History Feature
Getting to Know Speak for Yourself – Ablenet University
FREE Webinar
How to Use iPad Touch Accommodations in Speak for Yourself

Printable Support Materials
Speak for Yourself Toolbar guide

Comparing AAC Systems horizontal rev
The iPad as an AAC Hardware Option
The iPad as an AAC Hardware option B&W
Using the Speak for Yourself app with Project Core:
Non-Instructional Routine Examples (PDFs):
Learning to Speak AACtion Plan Resources:
Learning to Speak AACtion Plan
This is a systematic approach that you can use to learn any augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) language system. Four levels of targeted vocabulary let you start wherever you are in your AAC journey. Spend less than 10 minutes a day and learn 60 words over the course of 12 weeks!

Speak for Yourself Programming Guide3.0
Building Language Where Do I Start (PDF)

Things you should know about AAC and this student (form) from the blog post Setting Goals: A Reach, A Stretch, and A Leap
“A YEAR OF CORE WORDS” from this PrAACtical AAC post