Day 5: Voiceless But Still Talking (With AAC) Challenge

Mary, the incredible mom who has been using her daughter’s back up iPad mini with the Speak for Yourself (SfY) Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) app to communicate instead of her voice, shares her experiences of the fifth day of her week long challenge:

“Woke up early. Standing at sink drinking a glass of water, looking out over the backyard, full of the dawns mist.  It is the most peaceful time. So here I am, pondering what the day will bring, then I see one of the chickens dash for her dear life across the lawn. Immediately sputtered water out of my mouth. Damn, I forgot to lock the Ladies in their barn last night!  Ran outside in my jammies  to count my chickens. They were none too pleased with my forgetfulness, and they clucked in annoyance.  Typically, I would call “Lay-Dees ” and they would come running…but now, all I could do was clap my hands. They cocked their heads at me wondering what on earth was wrong with me? This was not dignified as far as they were concerned.  I still miss not being able to call, “here kitty, kitty”. I like watching the cats run as fast as they can to the house.  I miss the little things  as much as the obvious things.

This morning I got mad at Jess for doing something that she wasn’t suppose to. Now I don’t remember what it was. I did not yell, but I stomped my feet and threw may hands in the air. Obviously I’m not going to win Mommy of the Year award because, I can, let’s say, get vocal and loud… Let me tell you how awful I felt when I realized I was WRONG.  The hurt expression on my daughter’s face has been haunting me all day.  Immediately got mini-me and told her how sorry I was and that Mommy was wrong and hugged her till she made me stop.  We worked through the issue and all was forgiven.  My daughter has been known to be very, very sneaky, but many times I have been very, very wrong.

Phone is ringing.  I can’t answer.  FINALLY, they left a message. It was for Jess’s dentist appointment.  I pre-programmed the anticipated responses and managed to return the phone call using my cell’s speaker phone and SFY.  By using a combination of symbols and the HTT (hold that thought feature), I successfully made the phone call!  I’m so excited!!  First I said through HTT “Hello this is Mary Kawand”.  “I am using a computer to talk”. “I am confirming Jessica’s appointment at 10am”.  She then asked if I could make it for 9:30am” and I was able to say Yes and Thank You via the symbols.  Scooby snacks for me today. Using the phone was one of the barriers I was afraid of dealing with.

The appointment is for Monday, so I have to use mini-me. Just to make it interesting, I will not tell them why I’m using mini-me.

Today, I asked the Speak for Yourself Users Group to give me suggestions as to what else I should do while I’m on this week trial.  Mandy suggested that I go to a meeting and not tell anyone that this is a trial and to be part of the conversation.  I’m going to look for the opportunity to do this, however, the thought occurred to me that if I were to use this device at my regular small group meeting that eventually they would grow weary of waiting for me to respond because they know I have a voice. Like the woman yesterday, once she got the concept, she didn’t understand why I was continuing to speak through mini-me.

Everyone talks about discrimination and they talk about being politically correct, but in reality, they do not follow through. Personally, I think it would be much easier if people just said what was on their mind and not walk on egg shells and tip toe around the obvious.  By being so politically correct, we are not being correct at all.  We all suffer from lack of free speech.  If someone says something you disagree with, that’s fine, but stop pointing the finger at them. Just concern yourself with your own behavior.

No parent wants to have their child be recognized because they are special. The reality is that we are all special and we don’t want to be defined by the box that you want to put us in.  Do not use the word “normal”. No one is.  If you have a typical child, you have been blessed. It doesn’t mean your child is better than mine just because they are on the honor roll. Honestly, how many of these typical kids on the honor roll change the world? We are all individuals that deserve to be accepted and heard.  Honestly, the faded beauty that made me feel like crap yesterday (realizing there are too many people like her, and unfortunately, she isn’t hiding her secret shame from anyone, she just doesn’t realize it, I continue to pray for her) has her own cross to bear, just because it isn’t as painfully obvious, doesn’t mean it isn’t there.  Finally, beauty truly is from within.  This is what I seek in my friends and have been blessed to find this beauty in abundance. They also have  the added bonus of having a good sense of humor. 
Sorry, had to rant.  Aren’t you glad I’m not verbal? LOL

Headed out to dinner….and away we go!
We went to Bobby’s Burger Palace. Palace? That is overstating it a bit, no Trump effect if you know what I mean. The food was very good. The service was excellent. So here’s another shout out, Bobby’s Burger Palace at Market Fair in Princeton!  I was able to order my meal with mini-me. No issue. We then found our seats. We were asked if we needed anything a few times. Service was really remarkable so worth my repeating.  When it was time to go, John and Jess went ahead. I asked on mini-me for a re-fill for my iced tea.  The place was loud, so I had to use the loudest setting on the iAdapter. It really isn’t louder than anyone else who was talking, however, people turned heads. Both Jess and I had our talkers.  On our way out, I bumped into Pastor Craig and family. So wonderful to see people you know out in the community.

We then went to Carvel. Jess LOVES ice cream and was given a gift certificate from our friend Beth. Vanilla is her favorite and having M&M’s sprinkled on was over the top.
We found a clean table. In my loud mini-me voice I said “people are pigs, they do not clean up after themselves”.  Figured  that was a teachable moment. For some reason people think that this is the job of the minimum wage worker.  Sure, it is their job to clean the table, but people, at least make an effort. Yes, got plenty of stares when I said this, but they were already staring when I was talking to my family through mini-me. Listen and learn people, listen and learn.

Tomorrow I have a date with my husband. Taking the train in to NYC, to see a play on Broadway! Woohoo!  We rarely get out.  Tickets were gifted by a friend and Diana has Jessie all day.  Thank you my friends : ) Stay tuned for “mini-me goes to the city.”

Okay, now for my photo presentation.  Here are the Ladies that were upset with me for  not locking them in the barn at night.

Next is Manny cat. I had just prepared 60 pieces of quilt triangles to sew, he re-arranged much to my dismay.


The third is our dog Ginger. She was playing keep away with a stuffed kitten.  I tried calling to her with the SFY, she continued the game of keep away. She didn’t listen regardless of what voice I used.

Well this photo just speaks for itself.  He’s just damn good looking… almost as handsome as my husband… : ) I just wanted some eye candy… and no, I do not have lust in my heart for George Clooney…lol

Enjoying ice cream at Carveljess

And finally, charging up for the night, tomorrow is a new day!”




2 responses to “Day 5: Voiceless But Still Talking (With AAC) Challenge”

  1. Liz Bell Avatar
    Liz Bell

    So awed and proud of you Thanks Mary for sharing your journey. XO

    1. Mary Kay Avatar
      Mary Kay

      Thank you Liz! You are a big part of this story, you helped it begin : )

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