Day 6: Voiceless But Still Talking (with AAC) Challenge…The Mini Goes to New York City

We continue to follow the ambitious and curious mom, Mary.  She is going voiceless for a week and using her daughter’s back up iPad mini with the Speak for Yourself Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) app to communicate.  Today was her sixth day, and here she shares her experiences:

“Up and out early today. Dropped Jess off to be with friends while we headed to NYC train. Ordered a coffee at Dunkin Doughnuts. Amazing how polite people are. Every time I use mini-me in public, I hear people talking about it as I walk away..

Ordering at Dunkin Doughnuts, had to show them my words. (Husband is not a photographer)
Ordering at Dunkin Doughnuts, had to show them my words. (Husband is not a photographer)

The train was packed. We had to sit separately. I passed mini to John to ask him a question. The young woman sitting next to him asked if I wanted to change seats with her.  Haha, I feel like the pregnant woman that others offer a seat to so she doesn’t have to stand. Regardless, kindness is always appreciated and never goes out of style.

Realized I did not pack chargers or a pad of paper.  To save battery, I scribbled on paper. When I ran out of paper, I started spelling with my finger on the back of the seat in front of me.  After using all these ways to communicate, decided that I want to learn sign language. Maybe I can learn via Youtube? Must investigate.

As we traveled, we saw some points of interest. Not necessarily in order, but we passed the new stadium, we think for the Devils. We passed a home that had deer skeletons with antlers decorating their backstairs that led to the second floor.  The song in my head was from Beauty and the Beast “I use Antlers in all of my decorating…”  When we rolled through Rahway, John pointed out Robinsons’s which was a hardware store that his family had owned, back in the day when this was a nice town. Dismayed at all the rubble and garbage. You’d think that people would have more pride and keep things clean and in order.

Got to Penn Station, immediately grabbed a cab.  Our first stop was Katz’s Delicatessen. This is where the famous scene from the movie When Harry Met Sally… OY!  It was all hustle bustle and very loud. Was able to order my Reuben sandwich.  Every time I’ve made an order with mini-me, I’ve had to show them the words because they do not understand the voice. The men standing next to me were in awe with iPad and commented how cool technology is.

Katz's Delicatessen
Katz’s Delicatessen

The iPad  does draw attention, but overall, it’s been positive and I’m able to blend in the crowd easily.  When I was looking for a seat, I used mini to ask if I could sit at their table. Easy, peasy. The Reuben was like butter… there were no survivors. I only ate half the sandwich and husband enjoyed the rest. He’s 6’4”. It’s important to remember that I should not eat as much as he does!



Katz’s Reuben!!!!!!!!

Katz’s Reuben!!!!!!!!






Back in a cab and off to Broadway.  We saw Jersey Boys. I might have broken my code of silence and sang a few bars of “I can’t take my eyes off of you”.  I’m the youngest of six children. I was an oops baby. I know this music well.

Weather was perfect for walking the 18+ blocks  back to Penn Station. Told myself  we were working off lunch.

My daughter was with Diana and her family.  Diana said that Jess used her talker quite a bit. She also said that using the device was hard!  Well, it is hard for Diana because she wanted to be able to model and didn’t know how to find the words.  Jess had a full day of going to soccer games, to another horse barn and hang out with their family. This was just a special day from beginning to end.

Being voiceless, I’ve come to the conclusion that husband is talking less.  Before this trial, I often told him that he could talk more because it is hard to be the only one that talks in the family!  It gets very isolating and lonely when there is no conversation. All these years, I’ve always made a point to talk with Jessie, like on car drives, even if they had been mostly one-sided ones.  I KNOW, she listens and understands every word I say. I know this because of her actions that one would only do if they had been listening.

Overall, today was very successful. Used the iPad in public with strangers that had no idea I do have the ability to talk.  I was not treated less, I was not treated poorly, but with the utmost respect.  Funny how sometimes strangers can show more kindness than people you know… Ok, for my friends that are reading this, you know that I don’t mean you!”

In NYC, on date, without child.... a rare occurrence!!! Make note to self, do this more often : )
In NYC, on date, without child…. a rare occurrence!!! Make note to self, do this more often : )


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